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Health Care Fraud

Health care fraud schemes come in many different forms and are carried out by entities throughout the health care industry....

BU Health Care Fraud and Abuse Seminar Starts 2018 Session

September 19, 2018

Happy day after Labor Day, everyone!  And welcome back to work after what we hope was a great summer. Here in Boston, the Labor Day Weekend avalanche of students moving in is mostly behind us. (There are so many colleges and universities in the area that the U-Haul companies run out of trucks and vans this time of year.)  It’s always quite a buzz. At BU Law School, Whistleblower Law Collaborative attorney Bob Thomas will be starting his seminar on Health Care Fraud and Abuse.

Its a semester-long course on the intricacies of the fraud and abuse problem in our health care system and what is being done about it.  (For a glimpse of how the course goes, here’s the syllabus.)  This is the seventh time Bob Thomas has taught the course at BU and it remains a popular one among students.  Last year’s student comments included:

“Best class I’ve taken at BU.”

“Professor Thomas has proven to be one of my favorite professors in my time in law school.  His ability to foster enthusiasm and interest is a valuable and rare quality.  He is an asset to the faculty here!”

“Fantastic course!”

Today’s introductory class will cover the big picture:  how did the health care fraud problem come to exist?  What is the scope of the problem, and why is it so easy to defraud government health insurance plans, as well as private plans?  Who is working to slow down this problem, and what tools do they have at their disposal?  Finally, we will talk about the many different professional opportunities for young lawyers in this dynamic area of the law.

We will endeavor to post updates on the course each week.